Interior design

space Creator

I’ve lived all over the world in many cultures & climates - I stopped counting my moves when I’d passed 40 times… with that said, I feel like I know on the back of my hand how to create spaces, clear places & build magic with whatever resources are at hand.

Sometimes it’s a matter of upcycling or clearing outdated pieces that take up energy, other times it’s about
building/investing in that one piece you’ve dreamed of a whole lifetime!

Do you need help?

I’m savvy in all areas. I’ve done home styling, prepped for photo shoots, remodeled houses & apartments completely, organized & optimized stores & commercial spaces, as well as taken on the role of mastering the spiderweb that a whole makeover means. Choose to get a few suggestions, or the whole shebang! I work worldwide & home is wherever my heART is.
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